

0.2.7 - 24052018

A general purpose jailbreak detection bypass patch. Use the Liberty entry in the Settings app to block (most) apps from detecting your jailbreak.


2018年9月2日 — 裡面會列出設備內所有App ,想要查詢哪一個App 就點擊一下即可顯示Bundle ID,這次透過Pokemon GO 來舉例,點擊一下後再點擊Bundle ID值就會自動複製。

Install PokePatch for Pokeman GO Jailbreak Detection ...

2018年3月9日 — Install Pokepatch for Pokeman GO Jailbreak Byapass. Complete steps for how you can bypass jailbreak with Pokeman Go PokePatch tweak.


Jailbreak detection was changed through the years. This is a history overview and analysis of modern applications like Snapchat and Pokemon GO.

PokeGoJB Bypass 完美解決Pokemon Go 越獄偵測機制問題

Pokemon Go 防越獄機制每次只要更新後,就會讓不少款繞過越獄插件失效,不過最近有名開發者SarahH12099 已經針對Pokemon Go 推出繞過越獄偵測機制插件PokeGoJB Bypass ...

Pokemon Go jailbreak bypass

2023年2月11日 — iPhone X iOS 16.1.2 jailbroken with palera1n. Could you guys please tell me a jailbreak detection bypass that works for pokemon go?

Pokemon Go Jailbreak Bypass Tweaks

2020年12月31日 — This tutorial shows how to bypass Pokemon Go Jailbreak detection by PowerSelector or Vnode Bypass on iOS devices.